Filmklipp | Flugfiske at Grand Varzuga in June 2011

June 2011....Steffen Juhl and Kåre Lundquist had a quick test trip to
Grand Varzuga in June 2011. The river was very low and things did
not look too good. 8 hours later, 15 fish landed, many lost, what a day.
Many fish between 8-12 pound, thereby the new name Grand Varzuga.

Why, well all the BIG fish of the entire Varzuga watershed ends up
here for spawning, very unique place! Ready for a lift off to Grand
Varzuga? watch this!

Kåre Lundquist /The link to the film  is from Facebook

Grand Varzuga - Big Fish Territory! from Kåre Lundquist on Vimeo.